Adgitize Press

Full Moon Snow Covered Backyard

By: Kenneth Brown
Published: 2/4/2021

How a Writer Views Events in their Lives

I awoke this morning at 4:30 AM. That happens sometimes. I looked out the kitchen window before I turned on the kitchen lights. The half-moon shone brightly on our snow-covered backyard. Three days before, six to eight inches of snow piled up in the yard and still clung to many of the landscape bushes and pine trees. It's amazing to see a sight like this early in the morning. There weren't any clouds in the sky and light from the moon cast shadows from the large oak tree across the snow. I stared at it for five minutes just amazed. I'm sure this isn't relaying the beauty of the scene, but I was definitely enthralled by it all.

Writer Inspiration Where do writers get inspiration for scenes in their novels? A lot of times it's taking the time to notice your environment. How many of us are so caught up with our mobile devices, TVs and computers that we miss what's going on in the immediate world around us? Yes, I fall into that loop, too. But sometimes, I notice something in my little world, and I make note of it in my notebook. It will eventually find its way into a novel or short story.

What's Happening this Week? I'm working this week on getting Zita's Revenge in paperback format. I ran into some issues with converting RGB colors to CMYK colors on the covers I submitted to the printers. RGB is how your monitor shows colors, but large presses and printers are expecting CMYK. If the cover is printed with RGB the colors will come out faded and bland. We don't want that, do we?

I'm editing book three, and I have created the front cover for it. I love the cover and the story. I believe it will be my best story to date. A lot of action and passion in the story. I know you'll love it.

COVID Vaccine is being Administered The covid vaccination is out, and I see some of my family, neighbors and friends have been vaccinated. I'm very happy about that and hope we can get back to going out to eat, traveling and meeting with friends and family. It's been funny and sad how every weekend my wife and I ask each other, what do you want to do? Then we go through the list of the things we enjoy and find that we say, "nope can't do that."

"How about we do . . ."

"Nope, not allowed."

In a few more months it will be warm, people will be vaccinated and we can go back to living. I look forward to it.

What are Your Favorite Winter Sports? What are your favorite things to do during the winter months? Do you ski, tobaggan, go tubing, walk, run or get outside at all? Have you made a snowman this winter? Please take our quick winter activities survey.

Cheers, Kenneth Brown Author